How Often Should PRP Injection Therapy Be Done For Cosmetic Procedures?

How Often Should PRP Injection Therapy Be Done


How often should PRP be done?  I want to do it for skin tightening and rejuvenation for neck and face.


The frequency of PRP treatments depends on patient’s individual needs, individual response and the use of any additional type of treatment for skin tightening and rejuvenation with the PRP. I seldom use PRP alone for skin tightening or rejuvenation.

For most patients with mild to moderate elastosis I combine PRP with Microneedle Fractional Radiofrequency (MFR) treatments, for most patients I recommend to start with three treatments (MFR + PRP) 4 weeks apart followed by maintenance treatment every 6-8 months.

For mild photoaging, I combine PRP with Micropen and start with 2- 3 treatments, 6 weeks apart, followed by maintenance every 8-12 months. For moderate to severe photoaging, I combine PRP with CO2 fractional laser resurfacing which can be done as a single deep peel or a series of three “Weekend Peels”, 3-4 weeks apart, followed by a single treatment every 8-18 months.

This was answered by Dr. Naila Malik