Facial Rejuvenation using PRP Injections with Fractionated Laser Resurfacing

PRP is plasma containing a high concentration of growth factors and healing proteins that is made from your own blood. Your blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Platelets circulate thru your bloodstream and aid in wound repair and injury. Platelets go to the site of injury and release growth factors and healing proteins to help tissues heal and repair.

How does PRP help specific conditions?

PRP can be used to help patients with acne scars, tissue with a loss of elasticity, loss of collagen, discoloration, wrinkles and other conditions. PRP after it is injected release its growth factors and healing proteins which help increase blood flow, increase fibroblasts, epidermal growth, and other growth factors help the skin to heal itself. The skin will be smoother, more elastic, softer and have a more homogenous skin tone.

We use a fractionated laser first. This makes very small holes to a very precise depth. The laser covers whatever percentage of the area we set it for, and to the exact depth desired. The rest of the tissue is untouched.

The areas where the laser treated are heated and makes a small hole. The heat helps the PRP to get stimulated to release it growth factors and proteins and absorbed. The skin heals quicker because of the PRP and closed up the wholes. The skin resurfaces is regenerated in a few days. Collagen growth continues for up to 6 weeks after the treatment.

Protocol for before treatment

No sun exposure for 4 weeks prior. No anti inflammatory, Vitamin E, St John’s wart, Fish oils, aspirin for 5 days prior to treatment as they may thin your blood and may make you bleed more easily. Regular meals the day before and same day. Drink plenty of water before and after treatment.

Making the PRP

The day of the procedure we draw 30ccs of blood. We then spin the blood in a centrifuge for about 10 minutes at a medium velocity. Some theorize that too fast a speed may damage the platelets. The blood is then filtered to create about 6 ccs of PRP and about 5 ccs of PPP ( Platelet Poor Plasma).

The Procedure

After the blood is drawn, the patient goes into a treatment room and lies down. The patient’s face is cleansed and then a topical anesthetic is applied. Once the face is anesthetized, the face is cleansed again and the doctor can do the erbium laser fractionated resurfacing.

The depth and percent of the area covered is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s needs and skin. One pass at takes about 10 to 15 minutes. The patient feels heat from the laser and it is only mildly dis-comfortable.

The doctor now injects the PRP. Depending on the patient’s needs and the goals of treatment, PRP is injected sub-dermally in a grid like manner . In areas where more collagen or volume is lost more volume of PRP maybe injected. Scars are injected directly and may receive several injections. After the injections the PRP solution is rubbed into the skin.

Post Procedure

Do not wash you face the day of the procedure. You may moisturize with evian spray water. No ice, no anti inflammatories for 24 hours. We want the inflammatory process to stimulate the platelets to release and activate their growth factors and proteins. Day2, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pad dry only. Use ceramide cream and restorative ointments. Evian spray to keep it moist.

Continue this process for days 3 and 4. By day 5, after we have seen your skin, you can use natural mineral based light makeup and return to work and other activities. Continue skin care routine. SPF30 or more before you go outside, hat and sunglasses for next month.

What to expect?

The day of the procedure you might be red like a mild sunburn. There may be mild swelling from the injections for 2 to 3 days. Everyday you will be healing. By the 3rd to 4th day you should fresh new youthful skin appearing. The combination therapy yields amazing results much better than either treatment alone and it also allows for a quicker recovery. Improvements will continue for 6 weeks after treatment.