Is there any age limit on the usefulness of the PRP process for meniscus tear?

Is there any age limit on the usefulness of the PRP process for meniscus tear?
Dr. Andrew BlecherDr. Andrew Blecher
Although there may be some case reports of patients being treated with PRP for meniscal tears, there has not been a study to show that PRP can heal meniscal tears. That doesn’t meen that it may not help. You may in fact get symptom improvement from PRP treatment. However there is as of yet no evidence that it will heal the tear. Age limits have not been studied.
Dr. Jon RubensteinDr. Jon Rubenstein
No. The growth factors of PRP come from your body, your own biologic makeup. The growth factors, platelets, and mesenchymal stem cells do not lose potency as you age.

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