PRP for Eye Bags

Eye bags may develop as an individual ages. The aging process causes the eye’s tissues and the muscles which support the eyelids, to weaken. In addition, displaced fat begins to move into the lower eyelids. The lids, subsequently, being to look puffy. The accumulation of fluid beneath the eyes can also cause the area to appear swollen.

Fortunately, baggy eyes don’t pose a threat to a sufferer’s health, at least not physically. They can, however, cause emotional distress. Physical appearance is very important to some people and when they aren’t pleased with the way they look, feelings of distress may develop.

At-home remedies, such as placing cold compresses under the eyes, may or may not be effective, depending on the individual and the root cause of their eye bags. Surgery, a variety of cosmetic procedures, and lifestyle changes may also be helpful to reduce or get rid of under eye bags.

A person that sleeps on their back may develop bags underneath the eyes more so than someone who doesn’t. Sleeping on ones stomach or side is a better option. Getting enough sleep can sometimes reduce the size of under eye bags or eliminate them altogether. Properly treating dermatitis and allergies can help if allergens are causing bags under the eyes.

Getting an adequate amount of sleep can help reduce puffiness underneath the eyes. Seven to eight hours of sleep is sufficient for most adults. Again, how a person sleeps (their positioning) may be just as important. Sleeping with ones head elevated can help reduce or prevent eye bags that aren’t age-related. Even when they are related to age, doing so might noticeably reduce their appearance.

Cosmetic procedures can also be helpful in getting rid of eye bags. Skin treatments, such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing, that are designed to tighten the skin, can sometimes be effective in this regard. A more invasive approach is eyelid surgery. Surgical procedures are more invasive than other forms of treatment. However, they also last longer and are more effective.

Eyelid surgery can be used to permanently get rid of eye bags. Loose skin and excess fat is sometimes removed. Other times, one or the other may occur. A younger person may have excess fat removed but not have excess skin removed because they still have good tone. An older person is likely to have both, the loose skin removed and excess fat, extracted.

If a person chooses to undergo eyelid surgery, they must be prepared to do their due diligence. Choosing the right surgeon is critical to a successful outcome. Because surgical results are likely to be permanent, making sure that it is done correctly is very important. Choosing a highly qualified and experienced surgeon improves the likelihood of a successful result.

A number of factors can cause eye bags to develop. Age, allergens, sleeping position (or a lack of sleep and heredity are a few. If a person’s eye bags are caused by either age or heredity, there may be very little a person can do to completely eliminate them, aside from surgery, though they may be able to reduce their size using cosmetic procedures and by changing their lifestyle. Getting enough sleep, adjusting ones sleep position and using cold compresses can be helpful to different degrees.

Eye bags generally start out fairly small and then increase in size over time. It is best to treat them as early as possible. If a person fails to do so, the bags will get bigger. Age causes the ligaments, which at one time, tightly held under-eye fat in it proper place, to weaken and loosen. A loss of skin elasity further contributes to the problem. The fat begins to push out and eventually, bags develop and grow over time.

How fast and how large a person’s under-eye bags get, depends a great deal on heredity. If large under-eye bags run in the family, a person is more likely to develop them.

Exercising regularly, drinking enough water in order to ward off water retention, and limiting salt intake are lifestyle changes that may help reduce under-eye bags. Natural remedies, such as placing green tea bags under the eyes may be somewhat effective as well. This is due to the EGCG found in green tea. EGCG is a natural occurring anti-inflammatory. It helps to reduce fluid build-up which can cause the area beneath the eyes to become puffy.

For a temporary solution, applying Preparation H, a hemorrhoid cream, to the puffy area can sometimes be helpful. Though this may sound odd and perhaps even a bit off-putting, it has proven to be effective. Preparation H helps to tighten the skin underneath the eye and temporarily helps to get rid of under-eye bags in some people.

Fillers are another option. Juvederm and Restylane are particularly effective. Fillers aren’t injected into the puffy area underneath the eye but rather underneath it.

A surgical eyelift is the most permanent and long lasting of all the eye bag remedies. Extra skin and fat is often times removed. The fat inside the eye bag is sometimes melted with a probe. This option is often good for younger patients who don’t yet require a full surgical procedure, which may or may not include the removal of extra skin.

Having puffy eye bags can be quite distressful for some people, especially those that take a great deal of pride in their appearance. There are number of options available to such persons. Lifestyle changes, cosmetic procedures, and surgery are a few of the most utilized and effective. It may be necessary to experiment before a person finds the solution right for them.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor During Your Fist Visit

1. Would you characterize my under-eye bags as severe? If so, what are my best options to reduce or eliminate them?

2. How much experience do you have treating people with my particular issue?

3. What are my options other than surgery?

4. If I have my eye bags removed surgically, how long can I expect the results to last?

5. What’s this I hear about PRP therapy and its ability to reduce eye bags?

PRP Treatment for Eye Bags

PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy utilizes growth factors found in the blood to induce and accelerate the healing process. It is used in a variety of medical fields, with the anti-aging field recently jumping aboard. PRP therapy has proven to be an effective way to help reverse the physical signs of aging, for instance, facial wrinkles, loose, saggy skin and eye bags.

The growth factors found in blood platelets help to jumpstart the production of collagen and generates new capillaries while activating and rejuvenating the body’s cells and skin. This helps to reverse the aforementioned signs of aging, effectively, turning back the hands of time, at least physically.

PRP, for the purpose of anti-aging, is relatively new. However, it has shown real promise and proven to be effective for some people. The therapy is appealing to dermatologists and many are utilizing the treatment in increasing numbers because it is less invasive then other forms of care. It is also natural, using the body’s own components, which makes it safe for everyone. Many dermatological procedures are safe only for some patients. PRP is safe for all patients.

Traditional treatments for eye bags include surgery, fat removal and laser treatments. Each of these has its advantages and can be effective ways to treat eye bags. However, these procedures tend to be more invasive, especially surgery and pretty costly. The outcomes of the aforementioned procedures are also difficult to anticipate. Some people’s results are excellent while others leave a lot to be desired.

PRP therapy generally costs between $500 and $1500. An eye lift can cost anywhere between $1200 and $4500 depending on what needs to be done and the complexity of the surgery. The amount of PRP treatments a person needs will depend upon the individual and the condition of their eye bags. Individuals with large eye bags with lots of discoloration may need more than those whose eye bags aren’t as severe. However, a person should be prepared to have between 2 and 4 injections. The final cost of the procedure will be dependent upon the number of infections required.

The outcomes of laser resurfacing and surgery are dependent upon the skill and experience level of the doctor performing the procedure. PRP therapy uses the body’s own natural healing processes to reverse aging. It doesn’t physically manipulate the person’s body. If it doesn’t work, “no harm no foul.” A person’s face hasn’t been altered in any way. The same isn’t true of surgical procedures. If a surgery is done incorrectly, a person’s face could be altered forever. This is one of the biggest risks associated with it.

PRP therapy has fewer side effects and a shorter recovery time than laser treatments and surgery. These benefits and the ones mentioned earlier are why PRP therapy is becoming increasingly popular and is beginning to be used in lieu of other, more traditional procedures.

PRP therapy is a rather simple procedure. The doctor administering the procedure will draw about 10ccs of blood from the patient. This blood is placed in a centrifuge machine. The machine will spin the blood, separating the components in the process. The platelets are collected and injected into a person’s eye bags. The process is painless. Many people report feeling very little. The entire process should take between 20 and 40 minutes.

After the PRP procedure is completed, an individual might experience some puffiness or swelling for a few hours. The site of the injection may be tender but not painful. Individuals that do experience pain will be directed to take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or prescribed a very mild one. All discomfort should dissipate within 24 to 48 hours.

The results of the procedure should get better with time. As new blood capillaries are formed and collagen is regenerated, the patient should begin to see results within a few weeks. Individuals should refrain from massaging and rubbing their eyes for at least 48 hours after the procedure has been performed. Facials are out of the question, as are laser treatments and heat diffusing for a period of four weeks.

PRP Questions To Ask Your Doctor

  • How likely is it that I will experience good results with PRP therapy? How will it affect my eye bags?
  • Have you used PRP therapy to treat individuals with under eye bags? What were the results?
  • Is PRP therapy good for eye bags? How does it work?
  • Am I a good candidate for PRP therapy?
  • What happens if it doesn’t work?
  • Are you board certified?
  • What type of training have you undergone for this treatment in particular?