PRP for Mid Face Lift

A mid facelift, also known as a cheek lift, is a newer procedure designed to ‘get a jump’ on the early signs of aging. It focuses on mid area of the face, (hence the name mid facelift), specifically, the cheekbone area and under the eyelids. It gives the individual who undergoes the procedure, a more youthful, fuller, natural look. The mid face lift is an option for older patients but individual who would perhaps benefit from it the most, are those in their 30s and 40s. Some consider it an introduction into the world of plastic surgery for the younger crowd. It’s for those who aren’t quite ready for a full facelift.

The mid facelift doesn’t give those who undergo it an overdone appearance. Instead, patients tend to look refreshed.  A mid facelift is often a good option for people who are just starting to notice signs of aging and who want to do something about it sooner rather than later.  Individuals that are also concerned about wrinkles, creases, and frown lines in their forehead or upper face may want to consider pairing a mid facelift with a brow lift.

Mid facelifts are relatively new. Cosmetic surgeons have only been performing them for the last ten years or so. The procedure is thus still evolving. Even still, many mid facelift patients are more than happy with their results.

Known as the ‘lunch hour lift,’ mid face lifts generally only take between 60 and 90 minutes to complete, though they can take longer if a person chooses to combine the lift with other procedures.

Individuals in their late thirties and early forties that have begun to experience banding of the neck and sagging cheeks may find that a mid facelift is exactly what they need to rejuvenate their looks.

Mid facelifts can be performed with an endoscope. The endoscope, a small, technologically advanced device is used to tighten and smooth the cheek area, filling out the nasolabial folds and marionette lines.

When a surgeon performs a mid face lift, they will often make a few incisions by the temple and above the ear. They may also do so inside the patient’s mouth and above the cheek bone. If the surgeon uses endoscopic technology, the incisions will be small. In this procedure, the skin and soft tissues are pulled in a direction that tightens the area of concern, and then is sutured.

There are many benefits associated with mid facelifts. They are less invasive and thus less risky than full face lifts. Less trauma is done to the face and surgeons do not have to deal with as much soft tissue. The recovery process is faster and there is typically less problems and complications.


The average cost for a mid facelift is $7500. Depending on where (the location) a person has the surgery and who performs it, the price may be higher or lower. Typically, cosmetic surgeries cost more on the East and West coasts. Prices tend to be substantially lower in the Midwest and southern regions of the United States.

Because a mid facelift is cosmetic surgery, insurance companies will not cover it. For those on a budget, an increasing number of plastic surgeons allow patient’s to make payments. There are also lenders who specialize in plastic surgery loans.

The Procedure

General anesthesia is generally used for mid facelifts.  The surgeon will then make appropriate incisions. They will likely be over the ear, by the temple, above the cheekbone and inside the patient’s mouth. Soft tissues will then be pulled and sutured down in a direction that achieves the best results.


The mid facelift is an outpatient surgery. After a brief rest, patients will be allowed to leave the surgical facility. The procedure itself is relatively fast. It doesn’t typically last more than 90 minutes, unless it is combined with another procedure.

After the surgery is completed, the patient will be able to resume their normal activities after about one week. They should be fully and completely back to normal in 4 to 6 weeks. Prior to that, there will be some bruising and swelling but not an extreme amount. Ice can help control the swelling and may also help with pain. Temporary numbness and muscle weakness are common side effects that could develop.

Possible Complications

Complications are generally quite rare but they can occur. Complications are less likely when an individual chooses an experienced, highly trained, well reputed, accredited and licensed surgeon. Being in good health can also help limit the amount and scope of complications a person is likely to experience. Patients also need to follow all instructions provided by their doctor.

Complications commonly associated with a Mid facelift include puckering around the lateral corner of the eye, reduced lid retraction, infection, bleeding, scarring and poor perfusion.  If an individual experiences any of he aforementioned complications, they should contact their surgeon or another medical professional as soon as possible. Some surgical complications can potentially be deadly and thus require immediate attention.

Commonly Asked Questions

  1. What’s the likelihood that I get the results I’m looking for?
  2. Where will the surgery be performed?
  3. Is your surgery facility properly accredited and/or licensed?
  4. What type of anesthesia will be used?
  5. How much experience do you (the surgeon) have performing this type of surgery?
  6. How much will everything cost?
  7. Are you (the surgeon)American Board of Plastic Surgery certified?
  8. Do you (the surgeon) have all of your relevant licenses?
  9. Will you (the surgeon) fix any mistakes or make corrections if the surgery does not turn out as promised?
  10. What should I expect after surgery? What restrictions are there?

PRP Treatment for Mid Face Lift

A mid facelift may be an appropriate option for individuals who don’t yet require a full facelift. Individuals who undergo this procedure do so to freshen and rejuvenate their look. The procedure helps to remove those wrinkles which develop in the mid-section area of the face. It often includes tightening and sometimes the removal of excess skin.

During a surgical mid-facelift, the area between the cheekbones and underneath the eyes is “lifted.” The result is a fuller look that has a more youthful appearance. Surgical mid facelifts are a relatively new procedure. It is growing in popularity and utilizes techniques that continue to evolve. PRP “mid-facelifts” are even newer and very different then its surgical counterpart.

Mid facelifts, whether surgical or PRP, are most appropriate for younger individuals who are just starting to exhibit visible signs of aging. These two procedures are for those who aren’t ready for a full facelift but who want to do something because they are unhappy with their looks. Most people who undergo this procedure are in their late 30s and 40s.

Instead of a traditional, surgical mid facelift, some people are opting for PRP therapy. The latter is being used in lieu of the former for several reasons. It is much less invasive. There is less bruising, bleeding, and patients recover quicker.

PRP therapy is very simple and can be an extremely effective treatment. It involves using the patient’s own blood to rejuvenate the skin. To be more specific, certain components of the blood (platelets and other blood proteins) are used for this purpose.

Platelets are used by the body to activate wound healing and tissue regeneration. Platelets also stimulate the production of collagen. The latter has a huge impact on the appearance of the skin. As people age, collagen production begins to slow. As a result, the skin starts to sag and wrinkles begin to form. By jumpstarting stalled collagen production a person can turn-back-the-clock and enjoy a much improved, natural-looking, youthful appearance.

When a person undergoes PRP therapy or a PRP mid-facelift, the nurse or doctor treating the patient will carefully look over their skin to determine when and where they are aging the most. A skin analysis will be performed and a recommendation given regarding treatment and expected outcomes. Pre-treatment photographs are likely to be taken for the doctor’s portfolio. The entire procedure will take place in the administering dermatologist’s office. A doctor and perhaps a nurse will work together.

Prior to PRP being administered, the patient’s skin will be thoroughly cleansed and preparations for the procedure will begin. A local anesthetic cream will be placed on the face. Some doctors will administer a nerve block to ensure that the patient doesn’t feel any pain. It is important to note that PRP therapy isn’t considered to be a painful procedure. Aside from the needle pricks necessary to draw the blood and then re-inject it into the face, most patients do not complain about pain.

After the anesthesia has been given, either in the form of a cream or via injection, blood is drawn from the patient’s arm. It is placed in a test tube and then placed in a centrifuge machine. A centrifuge machine spins the test tube full of blood so that its components separate. Once the centrifuge stops spinning, the doctor will remove the platelets suspended in plasma.

The prp is now ready to be utilized. The platelets will be injected into the mid section of the face, particularly those areas where a person is most exhibiting signs of aging. Wherever the patient has lines and wrinkles, the doctor will inject the concentrated platelets. The entire process should take between 20 and 30 minutes.

Depending on the severity of a patient’s wrinkles, lines, and the condition of their skin in general, additional treatments may be paired with the PRP. Dermal roller treatment is one that may be used in conjunction with PRP therapy. It helps the prp embed into the skin which increases the chance of a positive outcome.

A doctor may also administer a collagen mask after the PRP injections. A collagen mask serves several functions. It helps the recovery process. It also acts as a protectant for the skin, and helps get more of the collagen regenerating platelets into the patient’s skin.

Individuals with more extensive (but not severe) wrinkles and/or fine lines may need several treatments. These treatments will be spread out over a number of weeks.

One advantage regarding PRP treatment is the minimal side effects a patient experiences after the treatment. This is a main reason why both doctors and patients are attracted to this treatment. If a person does experience side effects, they aren’t typically severe or uncomfortable. Individuals may experience a small amount of bruising and swelling which may last 1 or 2 days. Bruises at the location of the needle sites will typically last 2 to 3 days.

A person may be instructed to take an over-the-counter pain reliever after the procedure if they experience uncomfortable pain. A doctor may also prescribe a mild pain reliever. There is not an extensive list of restrictions a person must adhere to after undergoing PRP treatment. They will, however, want to avoid rubbing their eyes.

Patients for whom PRP therapy works will see some improvement in their skin after about three weeks. However, even after that time, they will see additional and gradual improvements. The tone of the skin should show some improvement as should the texture.

Some people won’t benefit much from PRP therapy. Those with a heavy amount of wrinkling may not get the results they are looking for from PRP. Such individuals may want to consider injectibles such as Botox or a surgical mid-facelift. Persons that use drugs, consume a lot of alcohol and/or who smoke, may also not see much improvement after undergoing PRP therapy and will need to change these behaviors if they want results.

Results from PRP therapy are not immediate. Patients should see gradual improvement over time.

It takes a few weeks before the growth factors injected into the face are stimulated and the skin’s collagen begins to regenerate. However, once both do, the results are a more youthful, natural looking appearance. The entire process is also completely safe because a doctor is only putting back in what he or she took out, but in concentrated form. There is thus no rejection of the treatment, no nasty side effects, or allergic reaction risks.

A midfacelift can also be considered a surgical procedure. Surgical facelift procedures can be very invasive. Incisions will be made, skin may be excised, pulled back, and sutured down to get the perfect cosmetic look. Prp can also be extremely beneficial when applied during a surgical facelift. Spraying prp to the suture lines and to the underside of facial flaps can increase the likelihood of accelerated wound healing which then leads to less scarring. Less blood loss, reduced swelling, and decreased bruising around the face is also noticed when prp is applied to patients who receive this procedure. Some physicians find that they are able to remove sutures a few days ahead of schedule when prp is applied to the suture lines. In addition, the need for closed suction drains can be eliminated which adds to patient satisfaction. The aforementioned are all very positive results when using prp with a surgical facelift procedure

Some people choose to undergo PRP therapy rather then have Restylane (or similar products) injected into their skin because the latter is an artificial form of treatment. Allergies and negative reactions are a side effect with artificial treatments. The results may or may not be natural looking, which is another concern for many people.

Many people who opt to undergo PRP therapy will require between two and three treatments. Each treatment is given 4 to 6 weeks apart. The results from a PRP procedure typically last between 12 and 18 months. Individuals interested in getting multiple injections can do so safely and as often as needed.

Not every person is a good candidate for a PRP mid-facelift. Those who are not, include heavy consumers of alcohol, smokers and drug users. Individuals with sepsis, Critical Thrombocytopenia, Platelet Dysfunction Syndrome, cancer, liver problems, and severe systemic and metabolic disorders shouldn’t undergo the treatment. A qualified physician will be able to determine whether or not it’s a safe therapy for an individual. It is thus extremely important that a person fully disclose all of their medical conditions to the doctor so that he or she can make a safe recommendation regarding treatment.

The cost of a PPP mid-facelift will vary depending on how many injections are needed. However, most people can expect to pay between $500 to $1500 per injection, depending on the doctor and the condition of their skin. If on average 2-3 treatments are needed, the cost of the procedure would be between $1000 and $4500.

The average cost of a surgical mid facelift is $7500. This is more expensive but considering the fact that the results last longer, in the long term, it may be less costly. However, more risks are assumed by the patient if they choose to undergo a surgical face-lift. For instance, the outcome of mid-facelift surgery may or may not be aesthetically pleasing and the procedure is not reversible. If a person is not pleased with the outcome, there is little they can do besides have additional surgeries in an attempt to undo the damage.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  1. Am I good candidate for PRP? Why or why not?
  2. How long will this procedure take?
  3. What type of payment plans, if any, do you accept?
  4. Does your office finance cosmetic procedures?
  5. What type of side effects might I experience afterwards?
  6. What are the risks?
  7. When should I see results?
  8. What are my options if PRP therapy does not work for me?
  9. How many injections do you think I’ll need?
  10. Is there a better procedure than PRP for my skin problems?