PRP for Lipotransfer Procedure for Lips

Lipotransfer involves the extraction of fat from person’s own body, for instance from the stomach or thighs for the purpose of altering the shape of the lips, smoothing out wrinkles, enhancing various parts of the body (ex. breasts and buttocks) and filling out sunken parts of the face (ex. cheeks, under eye area). There are many benefits associated with Lipotransfer, one of them being the ability to use ones own fat for the aforementioned purposes. It is natural, natural looking and safe. The same can’t be said for alternative fillers that use artificial ingredients.

A Lipostranfer procedure for the lips will give them more volume. As people age, their lips tend to get thinner and wrinkles begin to form around the mouth. Lipotransfer addresses both of these problems.

Cosmetic surgeons and skin experts have been flirting with facial injectable fillers for more than 10 years. Collagen was one of the first to be used in this way. Since then, there has been a tremendous effort made to find and/or develop an even better filler. Today, there a number of fillers made from artificial materials, which are used extensively for cosmetic procedures.

Lipostransfer or fat grafting has been used for nearly a century. However, it recent years, it has become more technically advanced and is quickly becoming one of the go-to anti-aging options. Body fat is one of the best fillers available because it is soft and very pliable. Doctors are able to mold it exactly as they wish.

Facial fillers are used to fill out sunken areas in the face. Aging causes the face to lose volume. When it does, some people opt to have invasive procedures performed, for instance, a face lift, which helps to tighten the skin and stretch out the sunken areas. Until recently, this was if not the only, the primary option available to them.

Today, individuals who would prefer to take a less invasive approach to this problem can do so via fat injections or Lipotransfer. As mentioned above, Lipotransfer takes fat from one part of the patient’s body and injects it into another. This fat may be placed in the cheeks, under the eyes, around the lips and temples, basically anywhere a person wants to add more volume. It can also be added to the buttocks (Brazilian butt lift) and the breasts to make them appear more full.

As mentioned above, fat is harvested for the above procedures, comes from the inner thighs or the stomach. Most people have enough fat in these parts of their body that removing a small amount of it will have little-to-no effect. Because the fat harvested is already is naturally occurring in a person’s body, it is safe and natural looking. The popularity of the procedure has increased in recent years for these reasons.

Not everything about Lipotransfer is ideal. There are some potential complications or problems associated with the procedure, for instance, the take rate of the Lipotransfer can be difficult to pre-determine. The take rate is the likelihood that the fat infusion will stay put and at the same volume that was originally placed in the body. Atrophy of the fat sometimes occurs. When this occurs, more fat injections may be needed. Another risk is the effect that weight gain has on the injection sites.

Lipotransfer procedures are reserved for those areas where there is little tissue movement. This is because movement can cause the fat to atrophy at an accelerated rate.

Lipotransfer is considered permanent. A person may initially lose some volume. However, most people will only experience a minimal amount. If they do, a follow-up procedure may be required.


There are risks associated with the Lipotranfser procedure. These are considered rare but there is a small chance that they might occur. Complications are limited because the filler used in procedure is naturally occurring in the body. Infection and a lack of symmetry are two potential complications. When the latter occurs, it may be necessary to have a second procedure performed.


The cost of Lipotransfer will vary. The part of the body where the Lipostransfer will take place will affect the price, as will the experience, locations, and reputation of the surgeon who performs the procedure.

Breast enhancement surgery using Lipotransfer is priced at around $3,500. Buttock enhancement is often priced around the same and a face enhancement $3,000. The price of Lipotransfer includes the surgeon’s fees, operating room fees and anesthesia. To get an accurate quote, a personal consultation with a plastic surgeon is recommended.


Step 1: A local anesthetic will be given to the patient. They will be lightly sedated but not put under.

Step 2: The fat is harvested from the part of the body the surgeon has chosen, for instance, the buttocks, stomach, flanks or thighs.

Step 3: The fat is centrifuged for the purchase of removing both the water and the blood.

Step 4: Fatty oils from the body are removed. What remains is the compacted, injectable fat.

Step 5: The fat is injected into the patient’s problem area(s).



After the procedure, the area which was treated may swell and bruise. Immediately following the surgery, the area that was treated is dressed lightly and ice therapy is recommended in order to control and reduce swelling. The swelling should subside in about a week and the bruising soon after. In all, it may take a few months before a person completely heals and gets the final results.


Questions to Ask

1. How much experience do you have administering Lipotransfer?

2. Are you apart of any professional organizations?

3. May I please see your portfolio?

4. Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

5. If I need a secondary procedure because the first one didn’t take will I have to pay for it?

6. What happens if I am not pleased with the results?

7. Where will the procedure take place?

8. What types of complications might I experience?

9. Will this procedure address my particular needs?

10. What should I expect in terms of recovery?

PRP Treatment for Lipo-Transfer for Lips

Thinning lips and wrinkles around their mouth are classic symptoms of aging. For some people this is an acceptable part of aging. For others it is not. Thin lips are also a result of biology. Some people are simply born with thinner lips. For those who want to remedy this “problem,” regardless of its origin, there are a few treatment options available. Individuals that want a plumper looking pout may opt for artificial such as Restylane or natural fillers, one being Lipo-transfer and the other, PRP (platelet rich plasma).

PRP therapy is one of plastic surgery’s most cutting edge techniques. It has been used in other fields of medicine but is only recently being utilized for cosmetic purposes. The therapy has been so effective that not only are more and more dermatologists suggesting that their patients undergo it, but patients themselves are requesting it.

PRP therapy is a simple procedure but one which has the potential to make a big difference in a person’s appearance. It gives individuals the option of improving their look using an all-natural procedure, something that is far and few between in this industry. There is few natural anything in the field of plastic surgery.

PRP harnesses the body’s own healing ability to cure itself and improve a person’s appearance. PRP can be used as both a natural filler and healer. It helps to regenerate collagen and tissue, resulting in plumper, smoother and more youthful looking skin and features. It is an excellent option for those suffering from thinning lips, whether because of age or biology.

A person that wants fuller lips and decides to undergo PRP to achieve them would have blood platelets injected into and around their lips. The growth factors and other proteins contained in the platelets would regenerate the tissues in this area, causing them to become fuller. The results are natural looking and last between 12 and 18 months.  Patients that undergo this treatment should see noticeable results after 3 weeks and continued improvement for a month or two afterwards.

As mentioned above, PRP uses platelets from a person’s own body. These are extracted from the blood the doctor draws from a patient undergoing the procedure. A doctor or his or her nurse will draw a small amount of blood which is placed in a test tube. The test tube is placed in a centrifuge machine. The centrifuge machine spins the test tube filled with blood vigorously. During the course of this spinning, all of the blood’s components are separated. The platelets suspended in plasma are removed and then injected into the part of the body being treated.

When the platelets are injected, the process takes about 20 to 30 minutes, from start to finish. This short period of time includes the prepping of the patient, preparation of the blood, extraction of the platelets and then their injection into the patient’s body.

When prepping the patient, the injection sites are thoroughly cleaned. Either a topical anesthetic or a nerve block will be used for pain management. The doctor performing the procedure will make the call regarding which one is used. The procedure is not a painful one. The amount of pain a person typically feels is akin to a needle prick. This is the same sensation that anyone who’s ever received a shot has felt. The patient will be pricked twice, once when blood is drawn from his or her arm and secondly when the blood is injected back into his or her body.

PRP therapy is not a painful procedure though some people have reported feeling a slight burning during and after the fact. Whatever pain a person might feel is generally muted or eliminated with the topical anesthetic or nerve block. After the injections have been made, the doctor will typically provide the patient with a cold compress to reduce swelling and any pain they might feel. Typically a doctor will instruct the patient to take an over-the-counter pain reliever if they feel any pain after the procedure.  Some doctors may prescribe their patient a mild prescription strength pain reliever.

A person that undergoes PPR therapy may experience some bruising in the area they received the treatment and at the injection site(s). This swelling along with any pain they might feel will usually subside in 12 to 24 hours.

Other options available to people that want to plump up their lips, are artificial fillers and Lipo-transfer. Both have their drawbacks. Artificial fillers are an option that while popular with some, others would rather avoid. This is because they contain foreign substances that some people would rather not have injected into their bodies. There is some uncertainty concerning what the long terms effects and risks are. Artificial fillers aren’t always natural looking and there is always the risk of an allergic reaction or rejection by the body.

Lipo-transfer is a more natural option. It involves harvesting fat from another part of the body, such as the buttocks, stomach or the thighs and placing it in the area that needs plumping or filling out, in this case, the lips. This sometimes works very well. However, there is a risk that the transferred fat may not “take,” meaning that the fat transferred to the lips may not stay put and the lips may thus atrophy. The injected harvested fat may simply become reabsorbed in the body and the initial appearance of the person’s lips will return. A lack of symmetry and infection are additional risks.

PRP works with the body to plump up the underlying tissues and collagens. It builds areas where volume has been lost back up so that a person’s appearance is more akin to when they were younger. The result is a completely natural-looking appearance.

PRP therapy costs between $500 and $1500 per shot. The number of shots and the cost of the treatment will depend upon the number of injections a person needs. However, some doctors will have a flat fee for this service.  It will be necessary to have this procedure done every 12 to 18 months to maintain the results. This can be fairly costly for some but the benefits and the fact that it is completely natural, is well worth it for many people.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor

1. Is PRP a good option for plumping up my lips?

2. How much experience do you have with PRP therapy?

3. What are the potential side effects?

4. Are there any better options?

5. How much will the procedure cost?

6. How many injections will I need?

7. Is this procedure painful?

8. Why is this better then artificial fillers?

9. Do you accept payments?

10. How often will I need to get injections?