Our Team

PRPTreatments.org is owned and operated by “PRP Solutions LLC”.  Below is our team here at PRPTreatments.org

PRPTreatment.org Founders

  • Tony P: Tony is quickly becoming one of the most knowledgeable and passionate PRP individuals in the medical industry. He played college sports and currently has 10+ years in the medical field. Tony is a co-founder and key contributor for PRP Treatments.
  • Ryan K: Ryan is the technical guy here at PRPTreatments that keeps things running and operating smoothly. He is a master at search engine optimization and ensuring things are well kept on the site.

The Sales Team

  • Joel P: Joel is our senior sales manager. He works with our partner clinics to ensure they are getting the service they expect. He also works with any potential partner clinics. To read more about our partner clinic program click here.

PRPTreatments Contributors

Contributing on PRPTreatments.org is a great way for you to get some exposure to many patients that find our site. We are always looking for healthcare professionals to write unique and informative blog posts to be posted on our website.

Most of our current content has been written by PRP professionals across the world. Credits are given to the pieces that are done by a doctor or clinic.