I understand that PRP can help with acne scars for up to 1 year. Does that mean that the acne scar would come back after 2 years?

I understand that PRP can help with acne scars for up to 1 year. Does that mean that the acne scar would come back after 2 years?
Dr. Niketa SonavaneDr. Niketa Sonavane
The regenerative effects of PRP are permanent. In my practice I generally combine Dermaroller, PRP and scar Subscision in a single session. The session is done under nerve block anaesthesia and is virtually painless. The session begins with a 1.5mm dermaroller followed by injection of PRP while subscising the acne scars. In my experience only one session is adequate for shallow scars and a visibly appreciable improvement is seen within a month. For severe and extensive scarring the session may be repeated after 3-4 months.

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