Are the PRP Treatments for face safe and how long those it take before it needs done/renewed again?

I am female 62 years old, i would like to know about PRP for face, wrinkles and etc. Are the PRP Treatments for face safe and how long those it take before it needs done/renewed again. Any known side effects that come along with this?
Dr. Paul FondacaroDr. Paul Fondacaro
PRP treatments for facial wrinkles have been shown to be very effective in rejuvenating the skin and softening the wrinkles giving the face a more youthful and natural look. Since the serum containing the concentrated platelets is obtained from your own blood, there are no allergic reactions and the only side effects may be temporary swelling of the face that resolves in a few days. Usually, it’s beneficial to repeat the process in 3-4 weeks with the results lasting anywhere from 2-3 years.

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